Some musicians spend their whole life searching for answers through their music that they never seem to find. Tom Rhodes is not that type of person, he answers the questions that he poses in his music giving even the darkest subjects a light at the end of the tunnel.
Tom has traveled and played music all across the United States and Europe. He recorded and produced his first self titled album in 2004 and had two subsequent self produced albums, No Apologies in 2006, and his newest release Better Son. Each collection of songs has it’s own unique feel, but the common thread through all three is his strong songwriting and raw openness. In 2006 Tom moved to North Carolina where his style took on the more alt-country feel that can be heard weaving through 2011′s Better Son. In 2006 No Apologies was selected by Paste Magazine as one of best independent albums of the year, and in 2008 he landed licensing deals with CBS, WGN, and with a number of independent films.